They say the third time is always a charm and Donald Trump, the former and now President-Elect has proven that to be true.
Donald Trump will now become the 47th President of the United States after becoming the 45th in 2016.
After a contentious campaign session, hated, demonized and vilified by the left-leaning mainstream media; impeached twice, targeted by the deep state, endlessly investigated, indicted multi-times with phony charges and the two failed attempted assassinations, Trump prevailed and never gave up.

In other words, with tonight’s electoral victory, President-Elect Donald Trump has become the quintessential comeback kid in what will now go down as the greatest political comeback in the U.S. political history.
After a long successful night winning prominent states, his chances of retaking the White House and becoming the 47th President of the United States became more imminent the moment he won the swing states of Georgina (GA), North Carolina (NC) and then Pennsylvania (PA).

Another good news of the Trump victory is that the Republicans will now control the Senate after flipping several Democrat seats in red states.
With three more swing states of Arizona (AZ), Michigan (MI) and Nevada (NV) still yet to be called, the results indicate that they are leaning strongly towards Donald Trump. Should he persist and the results hold, then the final outcome of this election will be one for the history books.
Furthermore, it will be a huge upset for the Democrats, the media and the DC bureaucrats.
After reaching 270 electoral votes, Newsmax was the first news outlet to call the election for the former and now President-Elect Donald Trump.
This is a developing story.
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