For political junkies and political geeks everywhere, today is the day everyone has been dreaming about.  It’s like Christmas having come early.  

The world’s media from all four corners of the world has landed in Philly (Philadelphia), the dark bluest Democrat-run city in Pennsylvania.  Even bloggers, social media personalities and anyone in between, this is a political event that will make history and everyone wants to be part of it.

This is the most anticipated Presidential Debate of all time.

At home, people are ready, sitting in their comfortable couches and chairs, waiting for their candidate and the debate to begin.  All across America, there are watch parties in bars, restaurants, academic centres and anything else that isn’t included. Add to that, there is lot of tension in the air, with political parties and ideologs stuck in their corners.

The main attraction is no stranger to media hype.  Former President Donald Trump does not have to prove anything tonight other than be himself.  Afterall, everyone knows who he is; what he stands for; his policies, both domestic and foreign, as well as his debate style.  

The only thing that Trump he has to do and watch out for, are the traps and baits that the devious, utterly incompetent and unlikable Kamala Harris will attempt to lay out for him.  Furthermore, he also needs to watch the host network, ABC, that is a known hostile to the former President.  

That, notwithstanding, the stakes for him are very high be cause he is going into a very hostile environment where he may, possibly, be debating three people, including the moderators.

Vice President Kamala Harris, the installed Democrat Presidential nominee is facing President Donald Trump for the debate. Credit: AP

On the other hand, Harris is the one who it at a disadvantage.  She, in a sense, is also the draw to the media, not because of her race, gender or any other crazy liberal things that she espouses.   Rather, is it because she has a lot to prove tonight, not just to Americans at home but to the whole world at large, particularly foreign leaders who will be watching and listening to every word that comes out of her mouth.

Kamala Harris is an unknown, a radical who is even further left to Bernie Sanders – a known self-proclaimed socialist.  Worse, no one who is supporting her even Democrats can say a single thing why they are supporting her.  

Democrat-installed Presidential candidate Kamala Harris is the one who has to prove herself to the electorate who don’t know who she is, what she represents or stands for. Pictured on September 4, 2024 on a campaign stop. Credit: REUTERS

Here is the issue about tonight. Kamala Harris already has three major fundamental issues that are at her disadvantage as she goes into this debate. 

First, no one know who Kamala Harris is, what she stands for or what she is all about .  Second, she has no core policy that she believes in, be it be domestic or foreign.  She flips-flops and changes positions to whatever the issue of the day is that she thinks will benefit her. Third, she has a huge Hillary Clinton problem.  She is simply unlikeable.  

As such, whatever she does tonight, she cannot let this debate be just about Donald Trump and how bad he is.  People already know.   Unless she address the above three fundamental issues, then she will lose. 

Trump, on the other hand, does not need to walk in overly confident. If anything, he only has two or three things to do.  Apart from staying focused on the issues, he needs to hammer these points relentlessly:  the economy, the disastrous border policy and illegal immigration; record-high inflation and a disastrous foreign policy or lack thereof.

If he focuses relentlessly on those points and avoid falling into traps or baits, he may successfully force Kamala to respond or defend those positions.  Another major point, he needs to let her talk because as has been proven, Kamala is a disastrous speaker.

As long as he stays calm and focused on policy issues, this much anticipated debate may as well be his to win, if not, then it’s his to lose.

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