In what has captivated the world, Americans are watching in disbelief as a caravan of thousands of migrants from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador joined by Mexicans and other international migrants march northwards through Mexico to the United States southern border.
What started off as 1,400 migrants had within 2 days more than tripled to 7,000 by last Sunday. As quoted by a Mexican publication, by Tuesday last week, the caravan had exponentially grown to more than 14,000 in less than a week.
Images of violence that broke out at the Guatemalan-Mexican border after a brief standoff with local enforcement and border officials have become synonymous with the approaching caravan.
Migrants broke down steel barriers breaching the international border between the two countries after overwhelming border officials at the demarcation point and border crossing. It was then that an unruly mob of about 3,000 migrants rushed the border and illegally entered Mexico.
In response, Mexican law enforcement officials otherwise known as Federales fired smoke and teargas canisters to stop the rushing mob. The violence left multiple Police, journalists and some migrants injured.
Growing In Size

Thousands of migrants from Central Americans and growing marching northwards to the U.S. Border – October 22, 2018. Credit: Reuters
According to cited figures, what started off as a small group of about 1400 migrants had tripled to 7,000 within 2 days and in less than 5 days, the caravan had exponentially grown to 14,000 according to a Mexican publication as more migrants joined the march northwards through Mexico to the U.S. border in defiance.
While it is reported that the caravan is comprised largely of South and Central American refugees supposedly fleeing violence and crime in their countries, there are, among them international migrants from the Middle East, South East Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe.
What’s even more concerning is that within the caravan of so-called refugees are terrorists, drug dealers, human traffickers and people smugglers as well as members of the notorious MS-13 gang.
Using Women And Children As Shields
According to senior Mexican government officials and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, some unscrupulous players and organizers of the migrants caravan are using women and children as shields to intimidate officials at the Mexican border in their agenda to reach the U.S. They are also using them as passports to gain entry and access into the U.S. because of its weak immigration policy and legal loopholes pertaining to the separation of women and children, a by-product of judicial activism by leftists anti-Trump activist judges-on-the-bench and Barack Obama appointees.
With thousands having made it into Mexico both legally and illegally, President Trump issued stark warnings to Mexico to stop the caravan from reaching the U.S. border. He also urged leaders of sending countries of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to clamp down and stem the outflow of their citizens to the U.S. threatening to cut either cut down or stop foreign aid the America sends to the country under the USAID program.
With the no end in sight to the migrants crisis and the exponential growth of the caravans, the Trump Administration announced on Friday that they were cutting down the amount of funding in foreign aid that America sends to those countries towards government, development and humanitarian purposes through its USAID program.
Multiple Caravans
After Trump’s warning, the caravan broke into three different groups.
The first one comprising of migrants numbering several hundreds chose to voluntarily return back to their countries of origin because they did not want to engage in an illegal journey where they would have faced deportation or some form of repercussion in the end. This is the group that was shown boarding buses provided by the Mexican government to ferry then back to their countries.

An aerial view of thousands of migrants stuck at the international border crossing on the bridge between Mexico and Guatemala.
The second group numbering thousands is the one that chose to wait at the border to later seek and claim asylum in Mexico. These are the migrants in the huge caravan still stuck at the international border crossing between Guatemala and Mexico.
The third group, however, is the one that decided to break away from the second group, take matters into their own hands and defiantly continue the journey to reach the U.S. by any means necessary. These are the migrants who have chosen to border-jump into Mexico by illegally crossing the river in rafts and other makeshift vessels manned by people smugglers and human-traffickers.
Most Generous Nation
Despite the unfair criticism of the Trump Administration on its strict immigration policy and stance on illegal immigration, America remains the most generous nation and host in the world when it comes to the intake of new immigrants and refugees. Annually, the U.S. takes in a million legal immigrants into the country, the largest by far in the world.
With less than 2 weeks to the crucial midterm elections on November 6, the conversation in the United States as the date approaches is about the limit and how much capacity one country can take without destroying its own sovereignty.

Migrants some waving their national flags march towards the U.S. border through Mexico in defiance of President Trump’s warnings. Credit: AFP/Getty Images
In defiance, the migrants who are growing in numbers, some waving their national flags, are vowing that nothing including President Trump will stop them from reaching their desired destination (the U.S.) and achieving their ultimate goal – to enter into the U.S.
This has angered many Americans and the world at large that is watching.
Organized Migrant Crisis
What’s different about this recent caravan from the other one is that it is well-coordinated and organized by immigration activist groups and open-border advocates. It appears to be a result of organization by political and immigration activist groups in America, Mexico, Central America and around the world to challenge national sovereignty and borders.
These organizers and their funders believe that borders should not exist. By overflooding national borders like they did in Europe and now attempting to do to the US through mass exploitation of organized migrants. In essence, it is a statement and clear message to western leaders that they cannot stop the tide of an influx of migrants into their countries. The message is, ‘you cannot stop us and we will break your borders and therefore your sovereignty,’ a message that Americans understand well.
To prove that these caravans are a product of a well-funded and organized attempt to undermine U.S. sovereignty and overwhelm its immigration system and Courts, the is readily available transportation, shelters, foods including lawyers and various organizations along the way to aid and assist migrants as they march northwards to the U.S. border.
In addition to being coached on what to say upon reaching the U.S, border when presenting their asylum claims, Mexican Police who were supposed to thwart the advancement of the migrants caravan were also observed allowing the invading mob to pass through and not stopping them. In some cases, the same Police are seen acting as chaperons not law enforcers.
Whatever one may think of President Trump, most Americans regardless of political affiliation are solidly behind him. They do not want this migrants caravan reaching their borders and therefore undermining U.S. sovereignty.
At least there is a unanimous agreement that unless something is done to stop this uncontrolled forced migration to the border and then into the country, more will come as a result.
To Americans, these migrants are not refugees. They are invaders waving their national flags and keep on destroying America. The caravan is seen as an invasion of a sovereign nation, by a well-coached invasion force of unruly migrant mobs, waving their national flags and chanting national slogans on a mission to destroy America, undermine U.S. sovereignty, destroy its borders, break the republic and everything that it represents and stand for.
This is a fight that will play a bigger role in the crucial upcoming midterm elections that are scheduled to take place in less than 2 weeks on November 6. The world is watching.
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