The much anticipated FISA Memo that was declassified and released today over objections by Democrats, senior FBI and Justice Department (DOJ) officials is out.
The House Intelligence memo alleges serious abuses of power and politicization of the Justice Department (DOJ) and the FBI under Barack Obama in targeting the Trump campaign leading to the Russia Collusion conspiracy which has continued to undermine the Trump presidency.
Below are some key point points of what it says:
* * The discredited Steele Dossier played an important role in the initial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.
** The recently stepped-down Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified and confirmed during a Hearing that no FISA warrant would have been issued by the FISA Court without the discredited Steele Dossier information.
** The four FISA surveillance applications were signed by Obama Admin officials who retained their positions when the Trump Administration came in: former FBI Director James Comey who triggered the current Russia Collusion investigation after he was fired by President Trump; his deputy Andrew McCabe who stepped down on Monday after learning this Memo would be made public; former DOJ official Sally Yates who was fired after she defied Trump; Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein who appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Dana Boente.

The FISA Memo alleges Barack Obama politicized and weaponized the FBI and DOJ against the incoming Trump Administration.
** The FBI authorized payments for the discredited Steele Dossier. The agreement was later terminated when the FBI couldn’t trust ex-British MI6 spy and author of the discredited dossier, Christopher Steele after learning that he was talking to the media when an article appeared on liberal outlet, Mother Jones.
** Senior DOJ and FBI officials lied in their application to the FISA Court by excluding the use and their reliance on a political opposition hit-job – the Hillary Clinton and DNC-funded Steele dossier.
** Another Obama DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Christopher Steele in the summer of 2016. During that meeting, he learnt that Steele was desperate to ensure that Donald Trump not get elected President and was passionate about it.
** The FISA Memo came about after almost a year of stiff resistance from both the DOJ and FBI on releasing the information to the House Intelligence Committee despite numerous requests. It was only after a threat of ‘contempt charges’ and other forms of pressure forced both departments to give up the material, albeit reluctantly.
** Once Intelligence Committee leaders and staff compiled some of that information into the memo, the FBI and Justice Department, supported by Capitol Hill Democrats, mounted a ferocious campaign of opposition, saying release of the memo would endanger national security and the rule of law.
** Only through the persistence of the House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) did the information and eventually the FISA Memo become public after following all required procedures and with the approval of President Trump.

Intel Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes worked hard to make FBI and DOJ info public through the FISA Memo, Credit: AP/J. Scott Applewhite
** The FISA Memo released today is a brief but important overview of the process on how America got to this toxic political environment. It is not an entire representation of what the Intelligence Committee has learnt in their investigation of what is seen as serious abuses of power by FBI and DOJ senior officials which began under Barack Obama’s presidency.
While the release of this memo against objections from some of the most powerful security agencies may have exposed the corruption and politicization of the DOJ and FBI under Barack Obama, it has also cast a wrench in the purpose of Robert Mueller’s on-going investigation into the alleged, Trump-Russia collusion.
The release also raises the stakes in a PR battle and the fight between President Trump and House Republicans on one side and FBI, DOJ and House Democrats on the other.
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