Texas has become the first State in the country to sign into law a ban on Sanctuary Cities since President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order in January to block funding of such cities in the country. The law goes into effect on 1 September, according to a statement from the governor’s office.
Governor Greg Abbott of Texas signed the bill banning sanctuary cities into law on Sunday evening during a five-minute Facebook Live announcement. Senate Bill 4 otherwise known as which is called ‘Sanctuary Cities Bill’ tracks down dangerous criminals and other illegal felons and empowers local Law Enforcement to enforce the law including deportation.

Texas Governor signed into Law Senate Bill 4 known as ‘Sanctuary Cities Bill’ on Sunday May 7, 2017. Credit: Andrew Barton/Getty Images
“Texans expect us to keep them safe—and that’s exactly what we’re going to do by me signing the law,” the governor said in the live stream. “Texas has now banned sanctuary cities in the Lone Star State.”
“It won’t be tolerated in Texas,” said the Governor, “Elected officials and law enforcement agencies, they don’t get to pick and choose what laws they will obey.”
The new law establishes civil and criminal penalties on local government entities and Law Enforcement that refuse to comply with existing laws requiring them to detain and notify Federal Agents when they have an illegal felons in their custody. The new measure will see government entities levied with a $25,500 per day penalty for repeat violations of Federal Law.
The new law authorizes local Police Officers to question a detained person’s immigration status and blocks local entities from passing laws that would otherwise prohibit these questions from being asked. It even allows officer to question an individual’s status even on a a traffic stop.
Defending the bill, Governor Abbott in a statement said, “As Governor, my top priority is public safety, and this bill furthers that objective by keeping dangerous criminals off our streets.

Texas is the first State to sign into law a Sanctuary Cities Bill targeting illegal immigrants, local counties and cities that may violate Federal Immigration Laws. Credit: Jay Janner via AP
“It’s inexcusable to release individuals from jail that have been charged with heinous crimes like sexual assault against minors, domestic violence and robbery.”
He told viewers that the key policies of the bill have already been tested and approved by the U.S. Supreme Court.
A “Sanctuary City” can be referred to as a local jurisdiction with policies in place that limit compliance with Federal Immigration Law pertaining to illegal felons. The law requires that local Law Enforcement report to federal authorities or ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) when they have an illegal felon in their custody.
Many large cities particularly in Democratic-controlled states and counties have developed a myriad of laws and policies that are counter to Federal Laws thereby falling within the classification of Sanctuary Cities, declared or not.
Travis Country is the only jurisdiction in Texas with a known active policy restricting Law Enforcement from cooperating with Federal Immigration authorities in the enforcement of existing Federal Immigration laws that are already in the books.
Texas also has an Immigration Policy already in place that was signed by the Governor. It went into effect on 1 February and has already cut off $1.5 million in state funding for criminal defense grants often used for defending illegals against the government.
Immigration advocates and civil liberties groups have slammed the Bill and are vowing to challenge it. Protesters took the Governor’s mansion in Austin over the weekend to protest the new law. Texas has set an example for other states to replicate in defiance of the mounting legal challenges that have blocked the implementation of President Trump’s Executive Orders on the Immigration.
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