When President Trump announced a ‘Salute To America’ celebration marked by a parade to be held on the Fourth of July otherwise known as the U.S. National Independence Day, the announcement was met with loud criticism and opposition by the usual culprits on the left largely led by some mainstream media outlets.
In addition to thousands of people who are attending the parade, the main feature of the day is President Trump’s speech in the evening that will mark the 243rd anniversary of the Founding Fathers’ Declaration of Independence.

Trump is expected to address the nation on a non-partisan, non-political speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at around 6:30 pm EST this evening on Thursday July 4. . The theme of the message will be framed as a “Salute To America.”
Reading from the excerpts of the speech released earlier in the day by the White House, President Trump said, “Today, we come together as one nation.
“We celebrate our history, our people and the heroes who proudly defend our flag…the brave men and women of the United States military!”

Featured on the event were military tanks, a flyover by military jets and Air Force One. Some of the jets to perform the flyover were the Navy Blue Angels aerobatics team, an Air Force B-2 Stealth Bomber, Navy F-35 and F-18 fighter jets as well as Marine V-22 Ospreys.

In addition, to army tanks which arrived overnight by rail, there were displays of fireworks after 9:00 pm EST. During the day, people watched the parade which included members of the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Military Band among many other acts.

There were also flotillas, cheerleaders, different marching bands and a diverse group of people from difference backgrounds who participated in the parade. The multicultural participation in the celebration of The Fourth of July and National Independence Day is an indication of the inclusiveness of the United States and why millions across the globe are dying to make this country their home.
While major networks like MSNBC, NBC and CNN just to name a few did not snubbed the event and did not cover it, PBS together with Fox News and its affiliates covered the event live as one of its affiliates, Fox 10 Phoenix started broadcasting the coverage much earlier.

The Fourth Of July is America’s National Independence Day, a celebration of the the founding of the nation through the Declaration of Independence charter. The day is often marked by nationwide celebrations throughout different states.
This year’s celebration to mark the 243rd birthday of the country were celebrated by both tourists and Americans from across the country who flocked into the capital after President Trump made an announcement during his campaign relaunch in Florida asking people to come to Washington DC to celebrate the event with many others from across the nation.

Although this is a day to celebrate the nation’s independence, there are some who are opposed to it. Present at the capital were be different groups of protesters who, despite their presence, were kept further away from the event itself.
Trump is successfully rebranding the Fourth of July celebrations as a day of celebrating the greatness of America a move which may also be seen as revival of patriotism in a nation where Democrats and the left do not believe the country is that great although a great number of Americans still do.
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