Ousted FBI director James Comey has declined an invitation to appear before the Senate Committee to testify in a closed hearing next week. His testimony was supposed to be part of a congressional effort to probe why he was abruptly fired from his position on Tuesday by the President.
The decline comes the same day that President Trump issued a warning against the former Chief Investigator from talking to the media about their dinner meeting and two phone calls, threatening to release recorded tape of the two men which could contradict Comey’s own version of the encounter.
News started filtering late Friday afternoon that Comey had decided not to appear and testify before the Senate Committee as had been hyped by the opposition media and Democrats. A spokeswoman for the Committee Chairman, Richard Burr, confirmed that the news.

Former FBI Director James Comey pictured at his home in Washington rejected the invitation to testify in a closed door hearing next week on why the President fired him in such an abrupt manner. Credit: Said Serkan Gurbuz/Associated Press
Comey’s last minute decline to appear has dealt a big blow to the Trump-hating media and the Democrats who had spent the entire week hyping the Comey Firing as an impeachable offense. The hearing which had been scheduled for next Tuesday and that had been hyped as Trump’s impending waterloo will no longer proceed without its star witness.
The Senate Intelligence Committee is conducting a parallel investigation with the FBI and Congress into Russian interference in the 2016 election as well as into the alleged collusion between Russia and the Trump Presidential Campaign.
President Trump abruptly fired then FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday in a shocking move that rocked Washington to a two-hour standstill with lawmakers struggling to make sense of what had happened. Comey was an Obama appointee who refused to prosecute Hillary Clinton despite reading out a litany of charges, a move that left the legal world in a frenzy.
On Thursday, Trump called James Comey a “grandstander” and a “showboat” who brought the FBI into disrepute.
James Comey is the latest victim of the Clintons whose desire to evade justice has engulfed and destroyed anyone who has comes to their aid by breaking the law.
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