Today is the political super bowl of U.S. politics, the blockbuster for political junkies and the biggest news event of the week. President Trump will deliver his first State of the Union (SOTU) address to the nation on Tuesday night at 9:00 pm EST where an estimated 40 million people will be watching.
The SOTU keynote speech is expected to feature his major accomplishments for the past year. It is also an opportunity for the President to outline the Administration’s domestic and foreign policy agendas for the next 12 months.

Minority House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (C) with Congressional Democrats dressed in All Black for tonight’s SOTU. Credit: EPA/Jim Lo Scalzo
At least a dozen Democrats have already announced they will be boycotting the President’s major address, an unusual and unprecedented thing to do for Congressional leaders even during times of controversy.

Democrats boycotting the State of the Union on 30 January 2018:,Reps John Lewis, Maxine Watters, Gregory Meeks and Pramila Jayapal. Credit: AFP/Getty Images/CQ Roll Call, Inc.

Democrats boycotting the State of the Union on 30 January 2018:,Reps Danny Davis, Earl Blumenauer, Frederica Wilson and Jan Schakowsky. Credit: CQ-Roll Call, Inc./Getty Images

Democrats boycotting the State of the Union on 30 January 2018:,Reps Bobby Rush, Barbara Lee, Juan Vargas and Albio Sires. Credit: USA Gov/Getty Images
Most of the boycotters are members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) who, in the worst political hypocrisy of all time, engage in blatant reverse racism and have never accepted Donald Trump as The President of the United States of America.
The State of the Union can be summed up in one word: Unity. It is about bringing the country together. However, with almost a dozen Democrats not showing up, it is impossible to imagine how can a deeply polarized nation like the United States can be brought together when a significant number of its elected representative don’t bother to show up.
Maybe it is time for their constituents to send them a clear message in the upcoming midterm elections.
Below is a list of names of Democrats boycotting the State of the Union address:
- Rep. John Lewis (D-Georgia)
- Rep. Maxine Waters (D-California)
- Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-New York)
- Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington)
- Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Florida)
- Rep. Barbara Lee (D-California)
- Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon)
- Rep. Danny Davis (D-Illinois)
- Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Illinois)
- Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Illinois)
- Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tennessee)
- Rep. Albio Sires D-New Jersey)
This is a special event that everyone should attend regardless of party affiliation. Unfortunately, the Democrats are gung-ho on maintaining the politics of division and remain politically indifferent to what most Americans are calling for: unity and bipartisanship.
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