News of the sudden departure of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe on Monday before his scheduled retirement in March rocked Washington D.C. and made headlines. Reports indicate that McCabe was forced out of the Bureau and ordered to begin his “Terminal Leave” by his new boss, FBI Director Christopher Wray after viewing the contentious classified surveillance FISA memo on Capitol Hill on Sunday.
McCabe is also leaving after Director Wray ahead of the release of an independent review by the Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General’s Report on his handling of the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server which resulted with no charges.

Although President Trump played a role in former Director James Comey (C) firing, he did not with Andrew McCable (R). Credit: AP
McCabe who is part of fired FBI Director James Comey’s legacy did not resign but stepped down prematurely from his position after announcing his retirement date would be in March.
There was also speculation that something in the classified, yet to-be-released FISA Memo may have alarmed him that he opted to leave prematurely and save himself from the embarrassment before its release.
Andrew McCabe was considered one of a closed inner circle of James Comey which included Sally Yates, James Baker all of whom are no longer with the Bureau. He played an important role in both the Clinton Email investigation and the ongoing alleged Russian Collusion investigation in the 2016 Presidential Election.

The yet-to-be-declassified Nunes (L) FISA Memo is causing cause for concern in Capitol Hill. McCabe, (2nd L), Rosenstein (C) and Comey (R).
He will remain on leave until he retires sometime in March.
McCabe received blistering criticism from many within the Republican party and the President for not recusing himself during the Clinton Email server investigation over a conflict of interest involving his wife.
Jill McCabe had received about $700,000.00 in campaign donations from a long-time friend of the Clintons, Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe, while running for a senate seat in 2015. The funds were believed to be from the Clinton campaign.

Dr. Jill McCabe caused a conflict of interest for her her husband, FBI Dep. Director, Andrew McCabe.
President Trump who has tweeted ceaselessly about this conflict of interest said he stands by his tweets and his position.
Although the White House was behind the firing of then FBI Director James Comey, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders insisted that the President played no role in McCabe’s departure.
“The President wasn’t part of this decision-making process,” said Sanders during to the press during a White House presser on Monday.
neither the White House nor the President had any role in the sudden departure of the FBI Deputy Director. Instead, she insisted that both the White House and DOJ only learn of the departure through the media like everyone else.
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